Online is a VT100/ANSI terminal emulator and Telnet client for Palm OS organizers. Connect to Unix systems, configure routers and reprogram embedded computers. Then use Hex mode and extensive logging options turn your handheld into a data stream analyzer and recorder. With CS Online you can leave the laptop behind!
When you see all the features CS Online has you'll know why we call it the Serial Data Power Tool™!

- User selectable default colors
- ANSI Color emulation! (animation)
- Highlighting of input vs output data
- Log outgoing data
- Color logging in HTML format
Click here to view an actual CS Online HTML log directly on your browser! - Faster VFS logging
- 5-way navigator support for screen panning
- Supports Symbol barcode scanner units with host integration support
- Line-at-a-time input with command history
CS Online 2.2.0 is a free upgrade to registered users of CS Online 2.1.0 or later.
An open beta release of the upcoming CS Online 2.3.0 is available.
Click here if you'd like to try this pre-release.
- Telnet, VT-102/ANSI, TTY and Hex Emulations
- Connect via Serial, IR, Bluetooth, 802.11 WiFi or Modem
- XModem, XModem-1K, and YModem send and receive of files with VFS
- Full 80 column display on a single screen (select hi-res handhelds)
- 80*24 display on low-res devices using a virtual screen
- Supports new serial manager and multiple virtual serial ports, CF cards, IR, etc.
- Large 32K buffer mode for data intensive applications
- Hex Terminal mode for serial debugging. See data in hex/ascii format.
- Assigned custom key mapping of 4 tool bar buttons and 4 hardware buttons
- VT-100 special keys menu with PF1-PF4, DEL and BREAK
- Log incoming data (as text, hexadecimal and HTML) to:
- Memo Pad Entries (4K per record)
- 'Doc' File (to main memory)
- VFS File (DOS text file on expansion memory)
Any Palm OS 3.5 device or later. CS Online may work with older devices but they are not supported.
Need a world class control interface or console to access your equipment? Online gives you a portable, convenient way to enable maintenance access with a minimal engineering investment.
"Serial Data Power Tool" is a trademark of Conklin Systems.