HLLAPI release history

Conklin Systems develops a number of components for Virtual Soft's family of Unisys T-27 emulation products, including the WinHLLAPI interfaces to PCLink! Ultralite. This FAQ is for WinHLLAPI API developers only, so we can help you directly, programmer-to-programmer. For all your Unisys environment needs, you should contact the Virtual Group here

Virtual HLLAPI release history

1.00.01 Added new HLLAPI extention, AUTOSTART/NOAUTOSTART. When this option is set, if CONNECTPS is called and PCLink is not running, the Hllapi library will attempt to locate and start PCLink. Hllapi will also attempt to find the session ID requested, and syncronize with the new session, such that the CONNECTPS will complete successfully.
1.00.00 Release version.
requires PCLink 2.60.10 or later
Updates COPYPS so that any screen changes as a result of user keystrokes (versus host updates) are relected in the copy. Extended diagnostics. Added message queuing in RAWIO mode. Added more support for proprietary SENDKEY extentions.
0.90.05 Added detection of session shortname collisions (trying to start multiple sessions all using the shortname 'A', for example) Added support for a new shortname, '*', which means 'any available.' The default shortname should be used on all sessions where a specific session is not needed. Since most users choose 'A' as their specific session name, the default session will be assigned 'Z', then 'Y', and so on in descending order.
0.90.04 Corrects an error in the PAUSE call when used in conjunction with with the NWAIT session parameter.
0.90.03 Added support for proprietary SENDKEY command in addition to the standard @rQ (control-Q)
0.90.02 Corrected errata item where PAUSE with IPAUSE set would return WHLLPSCHANGED when used before STARTHOSTNOTIFICATION had been called.
0.90.01 Performance enhancement for 32-bit applications. Requires matching PCLINK.EXE version 2.60.08 or later.
0.90.00 Initial field testing release.

Releases with a suffix (for example 0.90.05t) indicate a test release for a specific situation, not production code.